Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas 2013

tower of gifts

silly eli

ava LOVES balls


ava teaching ally; balls are COOL!

zac's stocking 

more family

oldest & 2nd youngest

na na na na batman!

yum pumpkin bread!

look at those eyelashes

little girlie

the best daddies

lincolin logs
little girl taking a break


new camera


pop's & bobonne's gifts
Christmas 2013: Menu
To kick it off and opening stockings and presents:  Spiced Pecans: (blog: 1/1/14) and Pumpkin Bread (blog:1/1/14)

For the main meal: Garlic Red Pepper Focaccia (blog: 1/1/14) and variation of Fall Salad (blog: 11/17/13)

Whole Foods Brisket (blog: 4/18/13) Rob bought BBQ sauce from KT's.

Chicken Enchiladas Suiza (blog: 1/1/14) and Cheese-Stuffed Shells (blog: 1/1/14)

Cherry Pie (blog: 1/4/2014) with vanilla ice cream and Chocolate Chip Pan Cookies (blog: 1/4/2014) Valerie brought yummy gingerbread; even gluten-free variety for me!

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